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商品名稱:Sumikkogurashi Sumikko Bath Time 角落生物沐浴時間
すみっコぐらし まったりのんびり♪すみっコ銭湯 (8個セット) (キャラクターグッズ)
A new miniature figure of Sumikko Gurashi with the theme of public bath is now available.
――There are many items with character motifs such as washrooms, bathtubs, and bath salts!
1, Akafuji no Yu
2, fluffy shampoo
3, Raiko Sauna
4, cool ice bath
5, the lizard's mother's hot water
6, Tapioca Araikko
7, warm apple bath
8, Yuagari milk
--All 8 types, no secret


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